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The Legend of Kebets’ih and Nahoolt’en (Nazko and Kluskus)Long ago there were no people at Nazko. People stayed at Kluskus and Beazeako. The Nazko valley was flooded from Gilles crossing, all up the Nazko River, through to the Lhezbakoh River and even halfway along the Blackwater River to Kluskus. It was all one big lake. This was because a giant beaver had built a big dam all along the river. The beaver’s house can still be seen today. It is the big mountain to the east of the Nazko River near Trout Lake. There is a mountain covered with birch trees near Kluskoil Lake. That is where the beaver left his food. A man named Kebets’ih came along and broke the dam, and from that time on the Nazko valley was made free for people to live in. There was another man named Nahoolt’en. He came and was fishing at Squirrel Lake near Kluskus. Nahoolt’en says he looks in the water and that is how he fishes. In the middle of Squirrel Lake is a big island. This is believed to be Nahoolt'en's body which Kebets'ih had drowned in Squirrel Lake. Kebets’ih threw Nahoolt’en’s tools really far away, and they landed at Delhk'ez Lake. People even today say it looks like cement for a house foundation. Those are Nahoolt’en’s tools, all cemented together. |