DescriptionThe marten is a large member of the weasel family that is dark brown to blond in colour with a paler head and underbody. Some features of the marten include a long slender body, small head, pointed nose, large rounded ears, dark brown eyes, and a bushy tail. They are approximately the size of a small house cat but have shorter legs. Martens weigh between 1-4 pounds and measure from 50-63 cm in length including the tail.
Martens prefer old growth coniferous or mixed wood forests that are thick and shady without large openings or clearings. They can be found throughout most of Canada and into the United States. Preferred den sites are hollow tree stumps, deserted bird nests, rock crevices, and logs that can be lined with dry grass and leaves.
Marten have an extremely varied diet eating whatever they can catch. Mainly they feed on voles, deer mice, rabbit, grouse, squirrels, and shrews. They are also known to eat birds' eggs, frogs, salamanders, and berries.
Fur Qualities
A marten's fur is long, thick, and lustrous. The color of their fur varies from shades of yellowish brown to reddish to almost black. Pine martens almost became extinct due to the heavy amount of fur trapping in the 1700-1800s. The fur was traded to Europeans and was highly valued because of its warmth and its soft, luxurious feel.
Coniferous = coniferous trees have cones on them.
Crevice = crevices are narrow cracks or openings.
Lustrous = things that are lustrous are shiny.