In 2007 the Quesnel & District Museum and Archives in partnership with the Southern Carrier First Nations initiated an oral history project, filming interviews with Elders from the Lhtako, Ndazkoh, and ‘Ulkatcho Bands and the Lhoosk’uz Dene Nation. An edited collection was released as a DVD called Elders’ Stories: Memory and Wisdom.
With financial support from the College of New Caledonia, a second series of interviews were filmed in 2008. Doreen Patrick, of Ndazkoh, was the primary interviewer and translator on both projects. The stories are in English or Dakelh with English subtitles. As with the first series, the long format or unedited footage of these interviews is archived at the Quesnel & District Museum and Archives. Click here to read more...
Doreen Patrick
Dakelh History
click on an icon to see a movie clip
Herbert Hance
No Freezer
Janet Alec
Campfire Cooking
Peter Louis
Seasonal Round
William Cassam
On the trap line
with Dad