In the early twentieth century as Canada emerged as an independent nation, cultural leaders sought to develop a sense of Canadian identity by telling the important founding stories of the country, through art, literature, theatre, song and by celebrating historic anniversaries. It is at this time that Simon Fraser emerged as a significant historical figure. A transcript of Fraser’s journal was first published in 1889 and the first biographical sketch in 1908. A.G. Morice included a detailed account of Fraser’s activities in his History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia (1904). The Hudson’s Bay Company erected a tombstone on Simon Fraser’s grave in 1921, commemorating his achievements. C.W. Jeffreys created a heroic depiction of Fraser’s descent of the Fraser River in watercolour and in pen and ink in 1928 and these illustrations received widespread exposure through his books, as calendar art distributed by the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and as illustrations in school textbooks. In 1958 The CBC created a docudrama to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the expedition and the centennial of the founding of the colony on the mainland of British Columbia. Like the work of Jeffreys, this film tends to focus on Fraser as the hero of the drama. Some may feel nostalgic as they sit back and enjoy the vintage production values as a brave band of men descend the mighty Fraser as the orchestra swells in the background. On May 29th 2008, on the 200th anniversary to the day that Simon Fraser and his men camped on the shores of the Quesnel and Fraser Rivers, the Blackwater Paddlers participated in a commemorative paddle. This event enabled the participants to experience the rush of water in the spring flood and to connect personally to their province’s history. A striking difference between the celebrations of 1958 and 2008 is the acknowledgement of the need to reflect the stories of all peoples of the Province of British Columbia. Without diminishing the achievements of Simon Fraser’s crew, there is recognition in the 2008 re-enactment of the active role played by the First Nations in the successful outcome of the journey. |
Paddling re-enactment by Blackwater Paddlers of Quesnel.
The Diary of Simon Fraser Pacific North West Adventure a CBC Vancouver Production
click on the thumbnails to see a movie clip