Footprints in Stone
Carrier Culture

Dakelh Nelamuk ‘ink’ez yunk’ut
(Medicinal Plants)

Click on a category to find out how the Carrier People used:
Trees · Bark · Bushes · Berries · Plants


‘Indzi tl’ool - Strawberry strings, was used for diarrhea, cleansing of the digestive system and for women with a heavy period. You boil the string of the strawberry and drink.

Talba - Yarrow leaves, this plant is good for a tooth ache. You crush the roots and put it on your sore tooth. It is also good for rheumatism. Just boil the leaves and stem, bathe in the water or put your sore feet in the water. Yarrow was used as mosquito repellent; rub it directly on the skin.

‘Uyenba - Moss was used as diapers for babies and for a woman on their moon (period).

Click on a category to find out how the Carrier People used:
Trees · Bark · Bushes · Berries · Plants


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